Compensation = العوض

Linguistic definition `Iwad means replacement. (Mu`jam al-maqais, Lisan al-`arab, sub, `iwad) Technical definition Compensation is an area of disagreement between the Mu`tazili and Ash`ari traditions. The Mu`tazili tradition held that it was necessary for God to...

Conversion (Propositional) = العكس

Linguistically, [ʿaks] is to transpose e.g. [the elements of] a sentence, and to make the last part of something first (al-Qāmūs al-Muḥīṭ, Muʿjam al-Maqāyīs sub ʿakasa). Terminologically,...

Creating = التكوين

Linguistic definition The Arabic root k-w-n indicates saying that something has happened. (Mu`jam maqayis al-lugha, sub, kawn) Technical definition Creating is to bring something into existence from nonexistence. Other words for creating in Arabic...