Date (Categories) = المتى

Linguistic Meaning The Arabic term matā is used to ask about time. You may ask: matā yakhruju Zayd (Date did Zayd leave?) (Mu‘jam al-Maqāyīs, p. 295) It is also used for an undefined time period. (Lisān al-‘Arab, 4131) The...

Definition = المعرِّف

The term muarrif (definition) is derived from the term arafa which originally referred to a notion of continuous uninterrupted flow. Ibn Faris traced its origin to stillness and familiarity pointing out that its opposite, ankara, means...

Determinism (Freewill) = الجبر

Linguistic Definition The Arabic term jabr means subjugation and coercion, which is to force something on another. (Lisān al-‘Arab, entry: jabr; al-Kulliyyāt, entry: ijbār) Technical Definition Determinism is an excess in handing over affairs to...

Divine Acts = صفات الفعل

Linguistic Definition The Arabic term ṣifah (attribute) is a feature incumbent in something. (Mu‘jam Maqāyīs al-Lughah, entry: w-ṣ-f) The term fi‘l is to originate something, whether an action or something else. (Mu‘jam...