Reductio Ad Absurdum = قياس الخلف

Linguistic Definition The Arabic terms khulf and khuluf (going back, reneging) are the antonyms of keeping a promise. Khulf is a term used in the place of ikhlāf (going back on a promise) and khilāf means opposition (Lisān al-‘Arab, entry: kh l...

Relation = الإضافة

Linguistically, [iḍāfa] denotes the inclination of one thing to another [Muʿjam al-Maqāyīs 3/380]. Terminologically, it is known as the “recursive” relation[1], and counted amongst the relational accidents and the high...

Resurrection = المعاد

Linguistic definition Ma`ad originates from the Arabic root `a-w-d, and means to return something to how it was before. (Mu`jam al-maqayis, sub, `awad) Technical Definition Resurrection is the resurrection of bodies and souls after their being made nonexistent. When...

Reward and Punishment = الثواب و العقاب

Linguistic Definition The term thawāb etymologically derives from thawb which means to return and come back. Thawāb (reward) is the recompense for obedience. (Mu‘jam al-Maqāyīs; Lisān al-‘Arab,...