Saintly Miracle = الكرامة

Linguistic definition The word karama derives from karam, which refers to something of intrinsic nobility, or the nobility of some character trait (Mu`jam maqayis al-lugha, sub, karam). Technical definition In theology, a saintly miracle (karama) is the appearance of...

Seal on the Heart = الختم والطبع

Linguistic definition In non-technical use and in its linguistic origin, the Arabic term tab‘ (an imprint) means the character (sajiyya) towards which a person is naturally disposed (jubila ‘alayhi), and it is used to mean example, pattern, or image...

Self-Subsistence = القيام بالنفس

Linguistic definition The Arabic term al-qiyam means to stand straight and is the opposite of sitting. In some situations, al-qiyam may mean protecting something or correcting it. In this meaning, the Arabic term al-qiyam li-l-shay’ means caring for it and...

State = الحال

Linguistically, [ḥāl] comes from ḥawala, which is a thing being moved in a circle. Ḥawl is a general term, which denotes rotation. If a thing taḥawwala, it moved from one thing to another.”...